Are you tired of worrying about the state of your roof everytime the weather takes a turn? We feel you! So, we’re here to talk about roof replacement and how you can get your insurance to pay for the whole shebang if the damage was caused by a hail storm.

Let’s be real, hail storms are no joke. Those little balls of ice can wreak havoc on your roof, leaving behind dents, cracks, and even punctures. But if your roof has suffered hail storm damage, your insurance company might just foot the entire bill for a roof replacement.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: what counts as hail storm damage? Generally, any dents or cracks caused by hail that’s larger than one inch in diameter can be considered hail storm damage. But here’s the catch – every insurance company has its own criteria for what they consider hail storm damage. So, if you’re unsure, it’s best to speak with your insurance adjuster to get the lowdown on their specific guidelines.

But before you go all hail Mary and file a claim, it’s important to get a professional roofing company to inspect your roof. At Maven, we offer free inspections to let our customers know the extent of damage. Also, it’s always better to be prepared for the storm ahead. 

What happens after you file a claim? An adjuster will come out to inspect the damage and determine the cost of repairs or replacement. They’ll mark the damaged areas with chalk or a similar material, take photos, and measure the damage to provide an estimate for the cost of repairs or replacement. 

Here’s the tea, though – not all insurance policies cover full roof replacements, even if damage was caused by a hail storm. Some policies might only cover a portion of the cost, and you will foot the rest of the bill. That’s why it’s important to review your policy carefully and speak with your insurance agent to understand what’s covered and what’s not. 

In conclusion, hail storms might be a pain in the neck (and pocket!), but with a little bit of preparation and help of a trusted roofing company, you can ensure that your roof and the people you love under it stay protected from the unpredictable nature of extreme weather conditions. 

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