Now that you have an understanding of what a supplement is, it is important to get a grasp on the process. Many homeowners mistakenly believe that once a claim is settled and closed; it can not be reopen. In addition, insurance companies and adjusters aren’t always quick to advise your rights or how to file a claim supplement.

The process is fairly simple and follows these basic steps:

  1. Additional damage is discovered and/or missed on the original adjusters estimate; if you have not hired a contractor, you can supplement the additional damage by following the steps as well. However if you have hired a knowledgeable contractor, they should handle this process for you

  2. Homeowner’s Step – Document additional damage with detailed photos and submit to your carrier or directly to your adjuster via email or web portal

  3. Contractor’s Step – Supplemental estimate is emailed into the carrier w/ supporting photos and documents

  4. Estimate is assigned to a desk adjuster for review

  5. Negotiation begins

  6. Settlement – In this phase the desk adjuster either approves or denies the supplement request, in some cases a partial approval is granted – meaning a portion of the difference is agreed upon and approved

  7. Supplement payment is sent

It is important to note; supplement timeline and approval depend heavily on the carrier and your homeowners policy. Not all supplements are created equal and in some cases there may be additional steps required to ensure the claim is paid out accurately and in full. For a homeowner it is understandable that it can, at times, be a long drawn out and very frustrating process. We, at Maven, make every effort to take the frustration out of the supplement process and handle all aspects of the claim for you.

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